You made it! You reached the end of the advent calendar!
It’s been really a pleasure to write all these posts and I really wish you appreciate it, learning new things and enjoyed the challenges as much as I did preparing them.
I would like to thanks everyone who tried to keep up solving and sharing feedback on everyday’s posts, which helped me to improve not just the writings but also identify bugs and missing features in radare2, which most of them were addressed.
It’s important to note that I want this advent calendar to stay relevant even after finished. This is, feel free to read, solve the challenges, fix bugs, share feedback and bring some life to r2land by contributing and enlarging the community.
I’m not sure if I will repeat next year, writing 25 daily posts alone is not the funniest thing you can do, but I wanted to set the base to let others contribute in the upcoming years.
Take this post as a call for papers, to read about your feedback on the topics covered, quality of challenges and if you think the format makes sense to be kept for the future.
If you enjoyed the advent and would like to have it again next year drop your feedback in this anonymous form!